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This section covers the TypeScript side of the module


The wrapper class is generically typed, giving you the freedom to create configuration as per your requirement. For instance:

import { User } from "./modals/User";
import { Listing } from "./interfaces";

export const userApiWrapper = new WrapperAsyncBuilder<{ url: string }, User>()
export const searchWrapper = new WrapperAsyncBuilder<{ key: string }, Listing>()

const subscriber: Subscriber<Listing> = {
onEvent: (args) => {
// handle subscriber

For the data types of WrapperAsyncBuilder, the first type, P (or {url: string} in userApiWrapper), is refered to the type of param that will be passed to the function (url, in the considered the case). Second type, R (or User in userApiWrapper), is refered to the Response type of the function.

Event args

The args in the onEvent subscriber can be of 2 types:

SuccessfulEvents: {
event: SuccessfulEvents,
data: R,
metadata: UserDefinedObjectsType

FailedEventTypes: {
event: FailedEvents,
error: any,
metadata: UserDefinedObjectsType

Where R is refered to the return type of the wrapper, and UserDefinedObjectsType is the type of object passed in .attachMetaData in the configured object.


Successful events are an enum of again 2 types:

SuccessfulEvents {
Resolved = "RESOLVED",
CachedResolve = "CACHED_RESOLVE",

SuccessfulEvents.Resolved is triggered when the request is successfully fulfilled.

SuccessfulEvents.CachedResolve is triggered when the result has been returned from the cache, rather than computing results after processing them.


Failed events are also an enum of 2 types:

enum FailedEvents {
Rejected = "REJECTED",
LimitReached = "LIMIT_REACHED",

FailedEvents.Rejected is triggered when the promise fails due to a rejection.

FailedEvents.LimitReached is triggered when the retry limit has been reached and the promise is no longer intended to be continuously retried. Instead, the wrapper will throw an error after publishing this event.